Circle of Galactic Lasar Sentinels
During our Thursday night online circle, we gather for the express purpose to focus, with laser precision, broadcasting rays to dissolve all Outsider energy, residue, forms, influences, etc.
Sacred Ground Circle of Focused Galactic Laser Sentinels
Mark the Time on Your Calendar This Circle Gathers Thursdays, 5:30 to 6 pm PST Easy Time Zone Calculator |
Our meeting room: Join from Zoom website or app Meeting ID: 810 9413 0870 Passcode: 465358 Dial from your phone: 253 205 0468 Meeting ID: 810 9413 0870 |
Our First Circle
January 16, 2022
SGC Collective Community Meetings with Common Purpose
"Walls are constructs of our consciousness, the stories humanity has woven.
Walls can hold us down, block our greatness, or provide the message,
"It is time for You to move beyond this limit."
We hold the door open for those who are aware, and awake, and committed to Moving On!