Mother Gaia is telling New Stories!
HER stories begins. . .
#1 Story November 2021 Subscribe at our YouTube Channel and have access to them all!
Thank you for Coming to Our October Event!
Sacred Ground Collective in support of
1000 Goddesses Gathering We in the Sacred Ground Collective, the Galactic to Gaia Odyssey, and TAG Galactic Energy Healing communities have been saying for over 30 years, "The Missing key to bring Freedom to all in the Web of Life is authority of the Souls in female bodysuits. That authority has been crippled and females programmed to believe they are weak". |
Video includes a 5 minute guided Journey and so come prepared with journal and pen.
Blessings for you from today's Circle
Here is your FREE e-book as our Gift
SGC Collective Community Meetings with Common Purpose
"Walls are constructs of our consciousness, the stories humanity has woven.
Walls can hold us down, block our greatness, or provide the message,
"It is time for You to move beyond this limit."
We hold the door open for those who are aware, and awake, and committed to Moving On!