Crystal Broadcasting Project
Broadcasting our Greatest Possibilities into Existence!
Many know the power of quartz crystals to broadcast frequencies. Knowing their nature, the Sacred Ground Collective has chosen to use Crystals to broadcast consciously chosen visions.
Beginning in February 2019, a group of amazing Broadcasters around the world began working in unity to focus specific harmonics for a world based on VALUES. They continue to do this Broadcasting from their homes. |
I asked several sister in the Broadcasting work how their lives were being impacted.
Here a few of their videos..
We use the values from those declared by women at the Women's Grassroots Congress in March 2012
Each broadcasting adds another layer of harmonics for cultures in which all life is valued and all life thrives. Examples of our Statements
Resources for Setting a Circle and Broadcasting
Creating Your Own Broadcasting Symbol, online class by donation
Setting A Broadcasting Circle, audio guide
Archive of Individual Glyphs
Archive of Broadcasting Glyphs with Focus and instructions
Here are downloads of specific Broadcasting Focus. Each comes in a .pdf file which includes
- Statements for outcome
- Numerical formula
- Glyph symbol
SGC Community Meeting Together with Common Purpose
Weekly Circles
Stored Archives
Sacred Ground Projects