Just close your Eyes, Breathe, and Listen to the Songs of the Trees, the Birds and the Whales as we Re-unite As One Family on the Mississippi River ~ the Main Artery of the Mother Turtle Pangea....
This is an Invitation to Gather and Create Our Field Before We Meet!
The intention of these gathering circles is to consciously create a new Mycelium network, a Unified Wisdom Field.
We come with the knowledge that each participant has wisdom, vision, blessings to place in the field. And, that we can enrich our May gathering by seeding the great field of Life with our word.... |
The replay of our Gatherings to Consciously Create and Seed our Field for May.
Elder Wisdom! |
Join us to Build the Field of Elder Wisdom
Each Circle will be no more than 90 minutes....
The circles in April are online times for each who attends to speak their 'blessings' into the circle as
space setting for the in person gathering in May.
Each Circle will be no more than 90 minutes....
The circles in April are online times for each who attends to speak their 'blessings' into the circle as
space setting for the in person gathering in May.
The logics of the circle:
Each individual who chooses will have up to 3 minutes to speak into the circle. It is their "seed" being "planted" for awakening possibilities and new growth.
The circle will respectfully listen, honor our speaking time, a field of connection to the unlimited intelligence and magnificence of The Greater Life will be consciously and lovingly created and expanded.
Each individual who chooses will have up to 3 minutes to speak into the circle. It is their "seed" being "planted" for awakening possibilities and new growth.
The circle will respectfully listen, honor our speaking time, a field of connection to the unlimited intelligence and magnificence of The Greater Life will be consciously and lovingly created and expanded.
What to share as your presence into this circle?
Ideas for those who speak:
Are you ready for this?
- What wisdom has your life brought you?
- What form is that wisdom taking or calling you to?
- What is the vision you see for our world and our children and grandchildren?
Are you ready for this?
These are free circles.
We are not creating a project, or asking you to "join" another group/class/event.
You are invited to create and infuse the field of Life with YOU and YOUR Wisdom as a way to expand the 2023 Gathering of Elders on the Mississippi River
We are not creating a project, or asking you to "join" another group/class/event.
You are invited to create and infuse the field of Life with YOU and YOUR Wisdom as a way to expand the 2023 Gathering of Elders on the Mississippi River
Days and Times
April 14th and 15th Join us in a circle that best suits your time: There will be four separate zoom gatherings to accommodate those in various parts of the world. Each room will hold up to 25 participants. Choose the one that works best for you. Then, Mark your calendar, save the zoom link or this web url to make joining us easier. Friday, April 14th
Saturday, April 15th
Details to Join our Gathering on Zoom:We welcome you to our gathering or Elders!
Here are the details: us06web.zoom.us/j/85625624072?pwd=VldQZktBanh3alYxYm43THoydEZvQT09 Meeting ID: 856 2562 4072 Passcode: 910442 One tap mobile +16699006833,,85625624072# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,85625624072# US |
Walls were constructed to survive.
what if...
the WisdomKeepers and Elders spoke their truths into a consciousness field, creating a mycelium network which feeds, informs, and supports those who bring
Good to All Life Forms?
We are declaring it be so!
Questions? Ideas?
Set up a conversation space with me, Sharon Riegie Maynard |