Grandmothers, Wise Women have gathered in Deep Respect, the Divine Feminine Triad of Gaia, Sophia, and Grace
Create the The Divine Feminine Mycelium Network!
Create the The Divine Feminine Mycelium Network!
Knowing Isn't Enough for What Our World Needs from US! The Original Deep network of roots within the psyche of women has been missing for eons.
This network of love, support, encouragement, listening, honoring, designing, and leading is Key to the health of all life forms upon Gaia. It was intentionally targeted, discounted, disrupted, and destroyed by those whose agendas were to dominate and control. The result from lifetimes of women fighting other women, fawning to gain 'men', distrusting their inner wisdom, has been children destroyed, families shattered, violence and rape of the vulnerable normalized. A world very far removed from the qualities of our Divine Nature as beings from the Stars. |
We are learning so much about deep connections from the fungi kingdom.
Our world needs a similar network/mycelium as the energy of support, nourishment, information flow, and Divine Good for the visions of those assigned to design and lead, souls in female bodies.
Our world needs a similar network/mycelium as the energy of support, nourishment, information flow, and Divine Good for the visions of those assigned to design and lead, souls in female bodies.
This field of Female Wisdom has been called into creation and is now being seeded with the Wisdom.
Grandmothers and
Replays of our Voices, Visions, and Blessings
The nature of our gatherings are that each women has wisdom, vision, blessings to place in the field. As we respectfully listen, honor our speaking time, and do not use the space to network or promote, we create a field of connection to the unlimited intelligence and magnificence of the Mycelium. In that culture, oneness, equality, and respect is woven.
January 2024:
June 30, 2023:
Self-guided Journey and Planting
When Two or More are Gathered
March 18, 2023:
11 am PT
2 pm PT
7 pm PT
February 11, 2023:
11 am PT
2 pm PT
7 pm PT
The Fungi MyceliumWhen you understand how the fungi collective works, you see the divine principle of collaboration and diversity in form.. Then, you REALLY question a 'god' who demands obedience, maleness, discounts diversity, and requires a 'female' to cover up their body, hide themselves.
tudy the fungi mycelium. Life has been able to continue because of the nature that that kingdom. We will also! |
What I have noticed....I have worked in the world of women for over 30 years. I have heard many women complain about the competition, lack of cohesiveness, and general discounting they experienced. It common that being with other women was discouraged by the men in their lives..... and, of course, the male voices were more important.
What I have noticed in the past few years is expanding projects and movements of women's voices. AND so needed. Important feedback since the February Grandmothers - Wise-Women field, I have heard women speak with inclusive and respectfully of other women's work. There is sense is that we are moving from 'this or that' and "I discount you', into "I love your project and will let those in my community know." |
Details to Join our Gathering online:
We welcome you to our Grandmother gathering!Our meeting room:
Here is the link... a Google Meet Room...
you will be asked for the room to allow your camera and audio, and then hit the button to 'join now'. You can always mute within the room or turn off your camera. In this work, being able to see and expand with visual contact is valuable.
Here is the link... a Google Meet Room...
you will be asked for the room to allow your camera and audio, and then hit the button to 'join now'. You can always mute within the room or turn off your camera. In this work, being able to see and expand with visual contact is valuable.
what if...
you had permission and guidance to work within the immense unseen energy fields with greater power than you have known?
what if...
you were seen for so much more than the judgement around you?
what if...
Grandmother's Love was a constant holding you . . .
what ifs...
will become the cultures once Grandmothers Gather and Declare!
spiritual healing
teaching empowerment
energy medicine
personal growth
prayer power
psychic abilities
earth advocate
social justice activist
crystal healing
Walls were constructed to survive.
what if...
the great network of Wise Women/Grandmothers were the mycelium which feed all designs that brings
Good to All?
We are declaring it be so!
Questions? Ideas?
Set up a conversation space with me, Sharon Riegie Maynard |